- Provide reports to support LEED EAp2 (Energy and Atmosphere Prerequisite 2 – Minimum Energy Performance)
and EAc1 (Energy and Atmosphere Credit 1 – Optimize Energy Performance). - Assess buildings based on the ASHRAE 90.1 standard
- IRS tax credit assessments
Key features
- ASHRAE 90.1 Appendix G PRM simulations use the EnergyPlus simulation engine.
- Automated baseline building generation.
- Automated baseline HVAC system generation through a simple wizard.
- Automated simulation of the 4 rotated baseline buildings and averaging of the results, producing results quickly and easily.
- On-screen comparison of proposed and baseline building simulation results provides a quick overview of building performance.
- Both proposed and baseline buildings can be included in the same model for ease of comparison.
- All constructions, materials, glazing systems, activities, lighting and HVAC systems required for ASHRAE 90.1 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 are included and automatically set based on the climate zone.
- Model data is editable for design changes or to accommodate, for example, updates to more recent ASHRAE 90.1 versions.
- Automated LEED Minimum Energy Performance Calculator report generation.

LEED is included in all the packages for engineers.
The LEED module also requires the Simulation, HVAC modules. If using complex tariffs the Cost module is also required.