Hourly Weather Data Report Files

When using the Weather Data Analysis tool (aka Weather Converter) to create a new .epw or .csv file, 3 report files are generated:



The Weather Converter checks the ASHRAE design condition files to see if a location with a corresponding WMO (World Meteorological Organization) Id can be found, and if so, the relevant ASHRAE design data is included in the reports.

Audit / Log File (.audit)

As an example, the initial portion of an audit file is shown (illustrating the error reporting) under the expanding header below.

Statistical Report File (.stat)

The .stat file provides a useful summary of the weather data, including:



In the “reporting” sections of the file, each line contains tab-delimited values , allowing you to easily copy/paste the data into a spreadsheet for further analysis.

If the source hourly weather file WMO station Id is not found in the ASHRAE design conditions database then the design statistics must be calculated from the source hourly data.

These are followed by groupings of Monthly temperature data.

Design Day Calculations Output (.ddy)

Using the WMO field (or determining it from the WBAN field), the Weather Converter performs table look up in the Design Condition files to see if there are recorded design conditions for the subject location. If the location is found, then design day objects are produced on the resultant design day object (ddy extension) file - ready for inclusion in an EnergyPlus input data file. If no design conditions are located, then the design day object file will still include a location object for inclusion with EnergyPlus. However, statistics using the weather file are displayed to the statistics file - these “can” be used to create your own design day definitions but you should read the warning that is issued and take care if your weather file is only a “single instance” weather data representation.


The location objects as well as the design condition objects are constrained by the data source. Some data sources do not have elevation information - thus, a location object from such a source will have an elevation of 0.0. Likewise, the time zone of some locations may not be available from the source data nor other data resources that the weather converter uses. A time zone will be estimated from the standard meridian of the location (determined by the longitude) but it may not be accurate. A user needs to be aware of these limitations when taking the design day files from the weather converter.


Note that you can always include a “def” file with this data to assure accuracy regardless of input format limitations.


An excerpt of a design day output are shown under the expanding header below. Actual design day objects have been deleted for brevity. Note that with the 2009 ASHRAE HOF climate conditions, a DaylightSavingPeriod object may be included.

Design day “definitions” originate in the ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals. Prior to 1997, these conditions were described for winter and summer (heating and cooling). They were based on seasonal percentages.


EnergyPlus uses the design day object values and creates an entire day of weather data - this is described more fully in the Input Output Reference under the DesignDay object. The weather converter program assigns “SummerDesignDay” and “WinterDesignDay” day types by default - these day types influence “scheduling” of various elements. How to use these effectively is described during the DesignDay and Schedule objects discussions in the EnergyPlus Input Output Reference.


Beginning in 1997, and continuing (the latest version was published in 2009), the design condition data is based on annual percentages. In addition, only locations with long-term hourly observations data (on which to form the basis) are included.

[From ASHRAE Handbook of Fundamentals, 2009]

Design data based on dry-bulb temperature represent peak occurrences of the sensible component of ambient outdoor conditions. Design values based on wet-bulb temperature are related to the enthalpy of the outdoor air. Conditions based on dew point relate to the peaks of the humidity ratio. The designer, engineer, or other user must decide which set(s) of conditions and probability of occurrence apply to the design situation under consideration.


The 99.6% and 99% Heating conditions are often used in the sizing of heating equipment.


The 0.4, 1.0, and 2.0% dry-bulb temperatures and mean coincident wet-bulb temperatures (i.e., DB = >MWB) often represent conditions on hot, mostly sunny days. These are often used in sizing cooling equipment such as chillers or air-conditioning units.


Design conditions based on wet-bulb temperatures (i.e., WB = >MDB) represent extremes of the total sensible plus latent heat of outdoor air. This information is useful for cooling towers, evaporative coolers, and fresh air ventilation system design.


Design conditions based on dew-point temperatures (i.e., DP = >MDB) are directly related to extremes of humidity ratio, which represent peak moisture loads from the weather. Extreme dew-point conditions may occur on days with moderate dry-bulb temperatures, resulting in high relative humidity. These values are especially useful for humidity control applications, such as desiccant cooling and dehumidification, cooling-based dehumidification, and fresh-air ventilation systems. The values are also used as a check point when analyzing the behavior of cooling systems at part-load conditions, particularly when such systems are used for humidity control as a secondary function. Humidity ratio values are calculated from the corresponding dew-point temperature and the standard pressure at the location’s elevation.


The enthalpy design conditions (i.e. Enthalpy = > MDB) gives the annual enthalpy for the cooling season; this is used for calculating cooling loads caused by infiltration and/or ventilation into buildings. Enthalpy represents the total heat content of air (the sum of its sensible and latent energies). Cooling loads can be easily calculated knowing the conditions of both the outdoor ambient and the building’s interior air.