Daylighting Calculation Options - Right To Light

This topic covers the Daylighting calculation options specific to the 5-Right to light (BS8206) Simulation type.


Right to Light was formerly defined in the BS 8206 standard, now updated to the BS EN 17037:2018. DesignBuilder currently supports BS 8206 which is transferable to the updated standard. Four types of Right to Light daylight calculations are available:


  1. Vertical Sky Component (VSC)

  2. Annual probable sun hour (APSH)

  3. No-skyline

  4. Average daylight factor


When simulation type is set as: 5-Right to light, the relevant simulation options are shown and the required working plane height is automatically set to 0.85m in accordance to the standard.


You can generate reports for 4 types of Right to Light assessments by checking the appropriate checkboxes as described below.

Perform vertical sky component simulation

Check this checkbox to carry out a vertical sky component simulation.

Perform annual probable sunlight hours simulation

Check this checkbox to carry out an annual probable sunlight hours simulation.

Perform no sky line simulation

Check this checkbox to carry out a no sky line simulation.

Note: For No Sky Line simulations you should select the greatest available detail for the Sky patches setting, option 6-5185.

Perform average daylight factor simulation

Check this checkbox to carry out an average daylight factor simulation.