Daylighting Calculation Options - LEED

This topic covers the Daylighting calculation options specific to the 2-LEED Simulation type.

LEED Simulation Options

LEED version

Select from the supported versions of LEED:


Perform LEED daylight option 1 (annual) simulation

When the LEED version is set to one of 1-LEED v4 or 2-LEED v4.1, check this checkbox if you would like to run an annual sDA + ASE daylighting simulation suitable for assessing credits for Daylighting BD+C: New Construction, Option 1.

Perform LEED daylight option 2 (point in time) simulation

When the LEED version is set to one of 1-LEED v4 or 2-LEED v4.1, check this checkbox if you would like to run a point in time illuminance daylighting simulation suitable for assessing credits for Daylighting BD+C: New Construction, Option 2.

Option 1 (Annual) Options

Dynamic shading method

When running LEED annual daylight simulations, Dynamic blinds are simulated according to the requirements set out in LM-83-12.


For an explanation of the Dynamic shading method options, see the Dynamic shading method article under the General Simulation type.

Override zone occupancy schedule

By default the occupancy schedule used for each zone in the Annual simulations are based on the zone Occupancy schedule defined on the Activity tab, however you can override this to use the same occupancy schedule for each zone by selecting this option and selecting the schedule in the browse control below.

Occupancy schedule

When the above Override zone occupancy schedule option is selected, you can select the occupancy schedule to be used to define when zones are occupied for all zones in the simulation. Values in the schedule greater than 0 indicate occupancy.


The default occupancy schedule provided by DesignBuilder does not include daylight saving time (DST). DST has to be added manually to the schedule. For example for the Northern Hemisphere you can use a schedule like the following:


8:00 - 18:00 Every day (DST Northern Hemisphere),


Through: 03/30,

For: AllDays,

Until: 08:00, 0,

Until: 18:00, 1,

Until: 24:00, 0,

Through: 10/26,

For: AllDays,

Until: 07:00, 0,

Until: 17:00, 1,

Until: 24:00, 0,

Through: 12/31,

For: AllDays,

Until: 08:00, 0,

Until: 18:00, 1,

Until: 24:00, 0;

Option 2 (Point-in-time) Options

Sky method

There are 2 methods for generating the sky illuminance distribution when running the LEED v2 and v4 the Radiance calculations:



For LEED v4 and v4.1 point in time calculations, the 2-Perez all weather option is always used and this setting is not displayed.

Perez method

There are 4 methods to choose from.



The sky properties must be set separately for morning and afternoon using data that depends on the Perez method selection .

Sky clearness (Epsilon)

Perez sky clearness (ε). Enter a value from 1.0 to 12.0.


Available only when using the 2-Perez all weather Sky method and the 1-Brightness and clearness Perez method


See: Perez, R., R. Seals, and J. Michalsky, 1993. All-weather model for sky luminance distribution—Preliminary configuration and validation

Sky brightness (Delta)

Perez sky brightness (Δ). Enter a value from 0.01 to 0.6.


Available only when using the 2-Perez all weather Sky method and the 1-Brightness and clearness Perez method


See: Perez, R., R. Seals, and J. Michalsky, 1993. All-weather model for sky luminance distribution—Preliminary configuration and validation

Direct normal irradiance

The direct normal solar broad spectrum irradiance (in W/m2 or W/ft2). This value can be found from the site level hourly weather data.


Available only when using the 2-Perez all weather Sky method and the 2-Direct normal irradiance Perez method.

Diffuse horizontal irradiance

The diffuse horizontal solar broad spectrum irradiance (in W/m2 or W/ft2). This value can be found from the site level hourly weather data.


Available only when using the 2-Perez all weather Sky method and the 2-Direct normal irradiance or 3-Direct horizontal irradiance Perez method have been selected.

Direct normal illuminance

The direct normal illuminance (visible spectrum) (in lux or fc).


Available only when using the 2-Perez all weather Sky method and the 4-Direct normal illuminance Perez method

Diffuse horizontal illuminance

The diffuse horizontal illuminance (visible spectrum) (in lux or fc).


Available only when using the 2-Perez all weather Sky method and the 4-Direct normal illuminance Perez method