Zone Type

Activity tab in model data under Activity Template header


The zone type can be set at block or zone level on the Activity tab. The options depend on the whether you are working on an ASHRAE 90.1 model or not. If it is not an ASHRAE 90.1 model then the Zone type can be one of:



Otherwise if it is an ASHRAE 90.1 model then the following options are available.


Zone types are also described in the Partitioning blocks to create zones tutorial

Note: Zones having one of the 2-Semi-exterior unconditioned, 3-Cavity and 4-Plenum zone types do not have their floor area included in the building total floor area in the summary reports.

2-Semi-exterior unconditioned

When the Zone type is set to 2-Semi-exterior unconditioned, the program asks you 'Do you want to load default unconditioned data including Activity, Lighting and HVAC templates?' If you reply 'Yes' then the zone is set as unoccupied by loading <None> Activity, HVAC and Lighting template data.


Also Semi-exposed constructions will be used instead of standard partitions for adjacencies with 'Unconditioned' zones. For example the wall between an occupied office and a car park would use the Semi-exposed construction, whereas the wall between two occupied offices would use Internal partition construction.


Also roofspace insulation is applied in the floor of a Semi-exterior unconditioned space when it is above a Standard space, if 'Floor fitted above floor slab' option is checked.


When the Zone type is set to 2-Unconditioned


When the Zone type is set to 3-Cavity, the program asks you 'Do you want to load default 'cavity' data including appropriate convection coefficients, calculation options and Activity, HVAC and Construction templates'. If you reply 'Yes' then the following changes are made:



You can find out more about Trombe wall simulations in the Modelling Issues section.


When the Zone type is set to 4-Plenum, the program asks you 'Do you want to load default plenum data including appropriate convection coefficients, calculation options and Activity and HVAC templates?'. If you reply 'Yes' then the following changes are made:



You can find out more about modelling plenums under HVAC.

Unconditioned zone type (ASHRAE 90.1 only)

In ASHRAE 90.1 models, when the 2-Unconditioned Zone type is selected you must define whether the unconditioned zone has normal levels of airtightness, or it is outside the main envelope. The options are:


Note: Zones having one of the 2-Unconditioned zone types and 2-Ventilated crawlspace/attic etc Unconditioned zone ventilation do not have their floor area included in the building total floor area in the summary reports.