Export CSV Report

The CSV report includes an inventory of all the materials, constructions and glazing systems used in the model as well as a summary of each zone with walls, floors, roofs etc, glazing, airflow paths, heating and cooling setpoint temperatures.

Note: The areas of surfaces and openings provided in the CSV report are the same as those that would be used in an EnergyPlus simulation. Under some circumstances these can be very slightly different from the areas specified in the model. For example, in the case where a full height window has top and bottom edges touching the top and bottom of the parent surface DesignBuilder must trim the window slightly to fit it on the surface before providing it to EnergyPlus (and to the CSV report). This is because EnergyPlus requires a small margin between the edges of openings and the host surface. In other words, the edges of child surfaces (openings) cannot be coincident with the edges of the host surface. More specifically, DesignBuilder trims openings where necessary to ensure a minimum margin of 1mm between opening and surface edges.

The report also includes the same cost and embodied carbon data that can be obtained from the Cost and Carbon tab.


To generate the CSV report use the File > Export > Export CSV report file menu command. This opens the Report Options dialog with 2 options.


The description to be included within the report.

Report type

The options are: