EpNet Library

EpNet is a .Net library which provides utilities for easy manipulation of EnergyPlus input and output files. It enables reading and writing of EnergyPlus idf input files which can be useful in a number of modelling scenarios such as implementation of Custom IDF optimisation variables and replacing one type of component with another to gain access to EnergyPlus components that DesignBuilder does nor provide a user interface for.


EpNet also allows simulation results data to be read from eso results files and from csv table outputs with the minimum of code needing to be written.


EpNet is integrated in DesignBuilder Scripting module where scripts developed with EpNet are usually executed after idf generation and before simulation.

Tip: You can find full documentation on how to use the EpNet library with code examples at: https://epnet.ecoeficiente.es

EpNet library is developed and maintained by Germán Campos at Aurea Consulting.