
Construction tab in model data under Construction header


The adjacency of individual surfaces can be set to be either adjacent to ground or adiabatic.


The available options are:



You can determine which surfaces are adiabatic or adjacent to ground by looking for the corresponding surface adjacency markers in the Edit Screen at zone and surface levels:


Tip: The recommended way to set ground and adiabatic adjacencies is to use ground or adiabatic component blocks. Or, if for any reason that isn't practical and you need to set multiple surface adjacencies you can use the Model data grid view.

Adiabatic surfaces

Adiabatic surfaces are modelled as being adjacent to the same conditions as the current zone and always use internal constructions:


Note: All openings and sub-surfaces in adiabatic surfaces are ignored in EnergyPlus simulations

Exclude this surface area from total zone floor area?

When modelling situations such as offices space within large warehouse zones where the ceiling at the top of the offices is not usable floor area in the warehouse it may be useful to exclude the area of any unused floor surfaces from the floor area of the zone above. An example of this situation is shown on the Warehouse with Office page.


For internal floors such as the unused 'floor' on top of the office space you can check the surface level Exclude this surface area from total zone floor area? checkbox to ensure the floor is not used in the calculation of zone and building floor area and in the calculation of internal gains where defined per m2 or per ft2.

Note this surface setting should not be made for the floor of office zone itself, which of course is usable floor area, but for the 'floor' of the zone above (typically a warehouse or other large volume space) which is not usable floor area.

Another situation where this option can be used is where holes have been cut in a floor surface to remove it, so upper and lower zones can be merged. In this case, any small remaining border in the cut floor surface should ideally be removed from the floor area calculation for the combined zone.