Free Weather Data

Climate Analytics provides access to free hourly weather data from 2 sources:



These sites provide typical representative data such as TMYx, IWEC etc which are ideal for compliance and certification modelling. However, "Typical Year" weather data is not recommended for design work which typically requires specific weather data selection covering more extreme conditions. It is also not suitable for model calibration which requires accurate, high resolution data for specific years. Climate Analytics data can be used for these cases.

How to Access

Selecting the "External Sources" option in the left-hand panel makes the checkbox options below available:



Check the appropriate the checkbox to display the available weather stations. To access hourly weather data from one of these free sources, click on a station on the map to open the station dialog, then open the “External Sources” tab and click on the link for the data you require. is a widely used repository of typical year TMYx weather data covering more than 17,476 locations worldwide. It is developed and curated by Dru Crawley and Linda Lawrie, the original developers of the EPW weather file format. Data from this site can be accessed at no charge.



Weather files managed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) can be downloaded at no cost via Climate Analytics or by visiting the website. Data for 2,458 locations is provided.


Note: For locations covered by both EnergyPlus and, the TMY data sets are identical.