Download Tab - Actual Year

When the "Actual Year" option is selected at the top of the page on the Download tab, you can download hourly data for a specific year from the Actual Year hourly database.


There are also some options for more advanced users to control the data generation. These can be accessed by pressing the "Show Options" button.



You can also download data for a specific year when using the Design Year option by selecting the "Real year" Type of weather data to download. Note that in this case the data will be from the Design Year database rather than the Actual Year data used when using the "Actual Year" option.


Select any year from 1980 until the current year.

Note: If you select the current year, some data won't be available yet for the months still to come. By default data for future months is filled using data for the same time in the previous year. However this behaviour can be configured using the New year incomplete data handling option described below.


When the "Show Options" button is pressed some further options are displayed. These allow you to provide finer control over the data downloaded.


Time zone

This is read-only data showing the time zone for the location.

Time zone adjustment

In most cases you should use the default "None used calculated" option to calculate the time zone for the location based on its latitude and longitude. The Google time zone service is used for this. However if for any reason you wish to override the default time zone you can do so by selecting an option from the drop list:


New year incomplete data handling

The Climate Analytics hourly databases are updated every month with data recorded from the previous month so the latest data will always be available. However, if the current year has been selected then real data will not usually be available for the last part of the year. In this case you can choose how to fill in the missing data by selecting one of the options:


  • Fill missing data from previous year - the default option where data for the same time in the previous year is used to fill in missing periods.

  • Fill missing data with 0 – data for missing periods is substituted with zeroes.

  • Omit - partial year – the weather file is written with no data for the missing periods resulting in an incomplete EPW file.

Temperature model

Select the type of air temperature data to be generated by choosing from one of the temperature model options:


  • Hourly average just above surface (NASA) – hourly average temperatures recorded by NASA for ground surface level.

  • Hourly average 2m above surface (NASA) – hourly average temperature recorded by NASA at 2m above ground surface level. This is the default option.

  • Hourly average 10m above surface (NASA) – hourly average temperature recorded by NASA at 10m above ground surface level.